We are so grateful, thanks to the providers and experts for your training and support!
2021 has been a remarkable year in many ways. We are honored to provide care and services for the many customers and providers throughout New England! It’s been a busy year, but our commitment to education is one of the many ways we keep you moving forward at MedCOR Professionals. Our remarkable network of community partners has generously committed their time and expertise to educate our patient care team so we can pass this knowledge along to those in need.
Thank you to the clinics, providers, and vendors for the many wonderful presentations and learning opportunities this year!
WorkFitMe Concierge Physical Therapy
Presenter: Dr. Phil Finemore, PT, DPT, Cert. DN, Cert. VRS
Training session: Treating Back Pain Conservatively – Possible at Any Age and Any Stage
Move Forward PT, LLC
Presenter: Dr. Kim Nappi, PT, DPT
Training Session: Common Tennis Injuries and Interventions
Reform Physical Therapy
Presenter: Tim Davoren, PT, ATC
Training Session: Custom Bike Fitting and Physical Therapy for Cyclists
Presenter: Dr. Christina Levesque Monroe, PT, DPT
Training Session: Falls and Fall Prevention
Presenter: Dr. Bobby Cochrane, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS
Training Session: Concussions and Concussion Rehab
Presenter: Dr. Delaney Gaetano, PT, DPT
Training Session: Total Joint Arthroplasty of the Knee
Jason Gootman, MS, CSCS
Presenter: Jason Gootman, Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach
Training Session: Setting Attainable Goals - Forming Healthy Habits
Ortho Eval Pal, County PT, EZ-Slant
Presenter: Paul Marquis, PT
Training Sessions
- Compression Garments: How do they work and who needs them, With Hunter Hoobler, CMF
- Radial Pressure Wave Therapy, with Dr. Chris Proulx
Brookfield Spine and Wellness, Chattanooga Rehab
Presenter: Dr. Christopher Proulx, DC, PhD (abd), CSCS Training Session: Professional After-Hours Lecture Series – Radial Pressure Wave and Focused Shockwave Therapies
Finish Strong Physical Therapy + Performance
Presenter: Dr. Dan Frey, PT, DPT, CMP, CSCS
Training Session: Running Injury and Reducing Injury Risk
Unbound Potential Chiropractic
Presenter: Dr. Casey Winters, DC
Training Session: Spine Health and Healing through Chiropractic
Resistance Dynamics – MoveMor Mobility Trainer
Presenter: Cate Reade, MS, RD
Training Session: Joint Function – The First Step to Better Mobility
Aspen Medical
Presenter: Andrew Blood, ATC, CFo
Training Session: Selection, Sizing, and Fitting of Aspen bracing solutions
Townsend Thusane USA
Presenter: Mark Halbach, Territory Sales Consultant
Training session: Selection, Sizing, and Fitting of Thusane knee braces